Saturday, September 2, 2006

Too Cold for Camping

Kumo dragged out all the camping gear, since we'd been thinking on going camping this weekend. The plan was that Wendy would drop us off at the State Park not far from the Treehouse on Friday night, and then pick us up sometime Monday afternoon.

However, the weather had other plans.

It was cold and rainy down here all day yesterday, and so far this morning, it doesn't look any different. Kumo and I discussed it last night, and we've decided we're not going camping, even though this might have been our last chance this year.

Kumo is pretty dissapointed, and apparently planning on just sulking around the house all weekend. I'm going to go with Wendy to Tacticon, where she's helping a friend of hers sell chain mail. I think it'll be fun, even just hanging out behind the chain mail table (I'm not much of a gamer) and maybe I can even find a present for Kumo, to make her feel a little better about missing out on camping.
I'll let you know!! Off to the convention!