Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Hangface at Brewskis

So the vet said that the puppies are doing great, Voltaire is going great, and the only ones that appear to be having any kind of problems are Kumo and I. He encouraged puppy petting (since this is a pretty important time in terms of puppy socialization), but said we need to just leave them alone and let Voltaire do her thing.

So, with that in mind, as a change of focus from puppyness, here are some more pictures of Hangface when they were here last week.

Hangface played an interesting little place in Westminster called Brewski's on Friday. It was a GREAT gig. When I got there, there was a band up called Riot Act who ROCKED.

Turns out I had met their lead singer, Scott, and his lovely sweetie, at the Hangface concert at the Pavilions on Tuesday. He seems like a pretty cool guy, even if he did pull my ears a little. Scott has an AMAZING voice, and is a phenomenal guitarist. I'm so glad I got to hear his band, and I'll have to keep an eye out for futher gigs by these guys.

Then, Hangface came on. As always, they rocked the house. Everyone was up and dancing, me included!

It was great! One of the best things about live music is that sometimes, you get the feeling a musician is playing just for you.

Anyway, an all around wonderful evening. I danced my feeties off, and we didn't get home until about 2 a.m. I hope Hangface come back again soon. They rock, and if you're fortunate enough to get to see them at Sturgis or if they come to your town, definitely go see them.

If you're a fellow stuffie and you go see them, tell them "Wendy's Bunny, Gage" sent you.