Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Ninja Fight at Six Flags!!

Okay, so there was only a little ninja fight. But still.

The place where Wendy's dad works rented out all of Six Flags - Elitch Gardens today for their employees and their families. Unfortunately, he couldn't go, but he gave tickets to Wendy's mom, and she brought Wendy and Kumo and I!

Six Flags is really a very pretty park. We were immediately impressed by all the water, fountains, and plants everywhere.

And Kumo was immediately impressed by the chocolate shop.

Kumo started listing off all the rides she wanted to go on, and unfortunately for her, the rest of us were much too chicken to ride most of them with her.

First, she wanted to ride the Mind Eraser.

Um... no.

Then she wanted to ride the Batwing.

Um... still no.

Wendy explained that, while she'd love to, she couldn't ride most of the rides because they make her barf, and that's no fun. Karen explained that she didn't want to ride anything that went really, really high because it's really, really scary.

I explained that I was just a really, really big chicken.

Somehow we ended up in kiddie land, where I was attacked by Wile E. Coyote! And rescued by my daring, ninja sister!!!

After my rescue, we rode the kiddie balloon ride!

But that didn't seem to satisfy Kumo.....

Karen suggested a spinny ride, not in kiddie land, called the Round Up. Wendy pleaded "barf". I pleaded "chicken". And Karen and Kumo rode together while we watched.

This apparently whetted the appetites of these two for more spinny rides. Over the rest of the day they rode a bunch of stuff, including...

...the teacups.

And some kind of spinning ride that I can't remember the name of, but scared me just to watch.

Between rides, we had some onion rings.

Well, Kumo had some onion rings.

I eventually convinced them to wander into the arcade, where we discovered their version of Skeeball - Ice Ball. Much more my speed, and definitely not spinning.

Kumo, in spite of landing a beautiful gutter ball...

... got almost as many tickets as I did!

She traded hers in for a cute princess wandy thing and a ninja sword.

I had to get a ninja sword too, just to protect myself from Princess Ninja Kumo.

She even took on Karen!

After whomping all of us with her cool new ninja sword, Kumo was pretty worn out. That's a lot of activity for someone who's gotten used to sleeping all day. I think the heat was taking it's toll on her too. We rode the carousel on our way out. It's one of my favorite rides, and finally one I could ride with Karen!

Kumo rode too, but seemed a little subdued, riding on her horsie, with her princess wand.

We settled into the car, and went home.

Kumo is now crashed out downstairs, after saying quick "Thanks" to Mandi for coming over to watch the puppies and Voltaire for us. Poor crashed out thing.

We both had a GREAT time and owe a huge thanks to Wendy's Dad for the tickets, and to Wendy's Mom for letting us go with her and riding all the stuff with Kumo. You're the best!! And many, many thanks to our dog sitter, Mandi, who, just by her presence, allows us to leave the house.

It's been a great day, even though I probably should've been studying for my physiology test tomorrow. It was worth it, though. Sunburn and all!