Saturday, August 12, 2006

Writers' Group Saturday and a New Friend

It was rough getting out of bed this morning, and honestly, if I hadn't promised a new friend I'd take her to the writers' group, I probably would've blown it off (sorry Cat and Bear). :)

Antigone is a poet, and an artist. I met her at the wedding last month, where we got to talking about writing and stuff. You can see her poetry here: Antigone's Cave, and she said she might start posting some of her artwork too.

Anyway, she showed up bright and early this morning, so we could drive to the writers' group together. Kumo even crawled out of bed to say "hi", though I expect she crawled right back into bed after we left.

Antigone is allergic to dogs, so she didn't go near Voltaire or the puppies, which was just as well since Voltaire was all growly, in hyper-protective mommy dog mode. It was pretty weird having someone over who wasn't cooing over the puppies, though.

So now we're here hanging out at Common Grounds with Michelle, Cat and Bear. Everyone else is away for the weekend, so it's a pretty quiet writers' group. :)

I hope Billy and Marmie are having fun camping and I look forward to hearing about their adventures when they get back. Kumo and I are supposed to go camping at some point, though with the puppies, I don't know when that'll happen.

Pretty laid back morning, all in all. Feeling a bit more perky now that I'm on my third french soda. :) Maybe I'll actually get the rest of the pictures that I took at the wedding up on the web. Never know. :)