Sunday, August 6, 2006

Tricky Trickster Morning

This morning I got up earlier than I normally do on a Sunday, because Wendy and I were off to see the new place where her parents are moving. I've been sleeping next to Voltaire's basket, on the library floor, and the second I was away and folding my blankets, Kumo was up and I could hear her reading to the puppies. By the time I got back down to the library, though, she'd stashed the book somewhere and was just petting Voltaire with an innocent smile on her face.


Anyway, the morning didn't get any less tricky from there. Wendy's parents are great, but Wendy has warned me before that her Dad is kind of a trickster. I should have listened. Because when he said "Hey Gage, want to go for a walk?" this is not what I had in mind.

Humans think they're so funny.

Anyway, he made it up to me with a vanilla Frosty and some fries, which was a very nummy, if not super healthy, breakfast. He even got me a high chair, which was kind of nice. Beats sitting on the table all the time.

He also promised to take me fishing with him after they're settled in (the place where they're moving has a little pond). That sounds fun, and I do like fishing. But now I'm on to him. Wendy laughed about the "wok" on the way home, and then warned me about a couple of other things about her Dad. Like not to listen to him when he tells me the "fishing dog" story, and that under NO circumstances should I wind up his finger, no matter how nicely he asks.

I don't EVEN want to know what that means.

Trickster, indeed.