Sunday, August 13, 2006

The North American Ninja Bunny in Her Native Habitat

I am doing this blog entry from a coffee shop because it isn't safe at home. Kumo really just needs some... cooling down time.


I told Kumo this morning that I needed to run some errands and I didn't expect to be back until evening. Maybe 6 or so, and did she mind watching Voltaire and the puppies. She said "No problem" and I wandered off.

I got done early and made it home about 3 p.m. I walked in, saw the state my library was in, and secretly snapped this picture of Kumo watching the painfully bad "kung fu" theater.

At least I thought I snapped it secretly. I must've accidentally made some sort of noise, because suddenly, she turned and saw me.

And she did not seem particularly pleased to see me, or the camera.

With what I can only describe as a snarl, she dropped her candy bar, flew across the room and pounced.

As my life began to flash before my eyes, I realized there WAS a way to escape certain ninja bunny death.

I looked over her shoulder at the screen and said "Hey, why is that ninja naked?" causing her to release me and run back to stare at the TV. This gave me time to run for my life, without looking back.

And now, here I am.

At the coffee shop.

Temporarily homeless, but still alive. And blogging about my sister in curlers.

Lucky for me, she doesn't read my blog. :)