Thursday, August 24, 2006

Massage Midterm Day

Yesterday was my midterm in massage class. I was a little nervous about it, but not too worried. Because it was entirely paws on, there wasn't really any way to "cram" before the test. You either know the strokes or you don't.

I thought maybe I could get my mind off it, and quit fretting about it, if I studied my physiology for a bit up in the library. My classmate, and friend, Jenny came over to help me with a particularly challenging part of the homework.

And in return for her help, I swiped her glasses. (smile) But it was fair, because she tried mine on too.

I got my physiology homework done right before lunch, which was perfect timing.
My dancin buddy Dan and I chowed down on chicken enchiladas, and some green chilli made by my super nifty classmate, Barb. It was DELICIOUS!

Now full of nummy Mexican food, I was one of the first ones to go in the afternoon. I got my midterm out of the way, got an "A", and realized I had been fretting for nothing. Everyone tells me I give a good massage, I should believe them.

After being all stressed out by a midterm, nothing beats getting a relaxing massage. My classmate, Susan, worked on me for a while. She's got great hands, and a very healing touch. It was wonderful and just what I needed.

Now that I was all relaxed, and feeling much better, I was able to help out a classmate in need.
Barb (of the yummy Mexican lunch) had had her midterm in the morning, so for most of the afternoon she'd offered to be a practice body for the rest of the class. By the time she'd been laying on the table for about two, two and a half hours, she was a mess. Mostly, it seemed people had practiced their massage on just one side of her. And because everyone needed to practice something different, it wasn't a full, flowing massage. Just work on random muscles in no particular order. While she didn't mind and was happy to be helpful, it left her dizzy and horribly unbalanced. So I worked on her for a little bit, just trying to even her out, working on both sides to help her ground and regain her balance. Poor thing.

When I was done, she said that she felt better. And when she walked, I could see that she no longer drifted to the right. So I think it helped a little. I hope so. It was so sweet of her to let everyone practice on her.

One of my other classmates, Bekah, was really worried about her midterm. I tried to comfort her, assuring her that she was going to do great. When it was her turn to go in, I know she was really nervous, but she got an "A"! She gave me a big bunny snuggle afterwards, for helping to comfort her.

My classmates are all super nice, and they're all very understanding about having a bunny in their class. I really appreciate that. I think they're all going to be great massage therapists! Maybe one of them will go on and specialize in stuffed animal massage. You never know!!!