Thursday, August 17, 2006

Knit Wit Bunny

Thinking of Barney, I thought I'd try to do something nice for a doggie. I mean, a human pet doggie. I haven't dealt much with them, but Wendy has two and she said that she'd let me give them treats and stuff.

The little black one would have none of it. But the fluffy gray one likes biscuits and isn't opposed to bunnies, it turns out. I was a little afraid of him (and Wendy told me that Barney was even BIGGER), but he turned out to be a nice dog. So I spent most of the late morning hanging around Wendy's dog, Shadow.

After that, I got Mal's comment on my insomnia post, and went crafty supply shopping. I love doing crafty stuff, and it helps me relax when I'm stressed (like from, say, midterms?). So I got some yarn, and started knitting Mal's Hufflepuff scarf.

Kumo has been watching me knit, fascinated, since I started. She wanted the full explaination on why Mal's scarf was the colors it was, and so I told her to go take the test, here: What House Do YOU Belong In?

Turns out she's a Hufflepuff too. And now SHE wants a scarf also. Which is fine by me. I love having a reason to do crafty stuff.

Back to knitting. Oh, and just in case you were curious, here was MY result on the Harry Potter House Sorter, though I don't think I'll be making myself a Harry Potter scarf. :)