Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Unexpected Houseguests of the Future

Oh for crying out loud.

Aunt Esther is going to kill me.

I crawled out of bed early this morning to go to school, which was tough after such a late (but fun) night. At lunch, I checked my voicemail and found a panicked message from Mandi telling me that Voltaire was acting weird last night, barfed up dinner, and this morning was lethargic and wouldn't come out from under her couch. So she was rushing him to the vet. As I was trying to call her back, she called me again and told me she was coming to my house, with Voltaire and that we needed "to talk".

Our talk went something like this:

Me: Is he okay?

Mandi: Well, yes....

Me: Did he get into something bad?

Mandi: In a manner of speaking, yeah... about 51 days ago.

Me: What does that mean?

Mandi: She's pregnant.

Me: WHAT?!? He's.... he's pregnant? How can that happen?!?!?

Mandi: SHE is pregnant. And, well, Gage, you see, when a mommy dog loves a daddy dog....

Me: ....
I rushed home, leaving class early to meet Mandi at my house. She had even put little pink ribbons on him her before they got here.

So now, I am not only stuck with Mike's abandoned dog. I'm stuck with Mike's PREGNANT abandoned dog. Apparently the strange behavior Mandi was seeing in Voltaire was just doggie morning sickness, and general near-birth pregnancy weariness. The vet is guessing that he's she's about 51 days pregnant. Apparently he was able to feel puppies, and the xrays they took showed five little puppy skeletons.

Five puppies. FIVE.

Mandi said that she won't keep Voltaire anymore because he she could pop anytime and should be home with his her loved ones, but that when he she goes into labor I can call her and she'll be here immediately, any time of day. Mandi volunteers with a couple of shelters, and has done this kind of thing before. I've never even delivered a pizza, much less a puppy. I am completely overwhelmed.

Kumo is thrilled. Voltaire seems very happy to be home. Which just leaves me, so stressed out I keep pulling my ears, trying to figure out what on earth I am going to tell Aunt Esther.